In our previous article series on Basics on Kubernetes which is still going, we talked about different components like control plane, pods, etcd, kube-proxy, deployments, etc. You can read the article series on Learnsteps. In this article, we are going to see how we can do basic debugging in Kubernetes. Before starting I am assuming
Tag: debugging
DevOps Interview Questions: How will you approach a network issue.
Network issues are the most common tasks that you have to debug if you involved in the setup of infrastructure and day-to-day operations. In this article, we will see how we can approach this problem. Let’s say we have few boxes that need to connect to a third-party API that is outside of the network,
Points to mind while debugging production issues.
It’s always hectic to debug production issues and it is always wise to have a predefined step to debug any issues. But there can be scenarios where those steps may not work. In those scenarios also you should always have a flow in mind what to check. In this article, we are going to see
How to debug issues and performance in production: The USE method
In this post, we are going to talk about the methodology that you can follow to debug issues. The methodology is the USE method and we will see how we can use it and why we should incorporate it in our day to day tasks of debugging issues. USE [Utilization, Saturation, and Errors] USE method
strace: See what system calls kernel is executing.
In linux environment when you run any piece of code, any application or software. The piece of code actually maps to the some set of instructions in kernel level. To see those instructions that are being executed for that piece of code we can use this tool called strace. We will see what system calls