Getting started with Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebooks are a very powerful tool for data analysis to write and iterate on your Python code. It is an open source tool to analyze data and find useful information from dataset. 

Installation of Jupyter Notebook.

Prerequisite for installing Jupyter notebook is python3.3 or greater. We are using Anaconda distribution to Jupyter notebook as it comes with many scientific braries preinstalled including Jupyter notebook, so installing Anaconda alone is sufficient.

Follow below mentioned steps to install Jupyter using Anaconda.

Download Anaconda. We recommend using Anaconda’s latest python3 version and install that.

Go to your terminal and run the following command.

$ jupyter notebook

There is another way of installing Jupyter using Python’s package manager, pip. Run following command in your terminal.

$ pip install jupyter

Now run it using below mentioned command

$ jupyter notebook

This will open a new Jupyter book in your default browser, which will look something like this,

Creating first Notebook:

For creating new notebook, click on NEW button in upper right corner, select from the list of choices, here we are choosing python3 and we will create a very simple python program.

In our first notebook we will write code in python3 to print “Hello Jupyter”. Write your code in the code cell. In the starting you will one empty cell, you can more cells above and down using command A and B.

For running the cell use command ctrl + enter. 

If you want to learn more about jupyter notebook, please visit their wonderful Documentation.

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Preeti Gupta

Preeti is a software engineer and data enthusiast having ~4 years of industry experience. In her spare time, she loves to do the cooking and write about it. You can find about her more cooking here at

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