Micro-interaction animations are the small events that happens when you do some very small things like hover click e.t.c. Today we will see some awesome micro-interaction design. These are not build by me but by different people, you can follow these people mentioned at the end. I am just show casing it here. Everything shown
Category: Web development
Role Based Access Control for your application
Role Based Access Control is a system in which you give particular permissions to particular users based on their roles. In this article we will try making simple role based access control for your application. Our RBAC will make use of only 5 tables. I guess this is enough if your making it real simple.
Javascript: Difference between strict and lenient equality
[sgmb id=3] In Javascript everyone recommends to use strict equality instead of lenient. In this article we will see the difference between strict and lenient equality and discover why it should not be used. So lets begin. 2 == true // 2 === 1 false 2 == false // 2 === 0 false 1
JavaScript: Confusing and unknown concepts you must know.
[sgmb id=3] As we all are aware of the confusion that Javascript creates sometimes. Lets talk about few of them and why they happen. 010===8 is true why 😕 ? When you prepend 0 before any number Javascript consider it as octal. Thats why 😀 010 !== 10 null is not an object Null is
Top 8 websites every web developer should know.
When you are in field of rapid web development and deployment, sometimes it becomes really important to get help with certain issues, in this scenario these sites come handy. They save us a lot of time and provide us with the best solutions. Here is the list of Top 8 sites that I used while
Best practices and mistakes while using Bootstrap and CSS.
When it comes to the front end design framework which is easy to use and is responsive for all screen. The first thing that came to our mind in bootstrap. If you don’t know bootstrap try learning it here with bootstrap . In this post we will talk about mistakes and best practices of bootstrap and css.
Few Front End frameworks
In this post few Front end design frameworks are listed that can be used by anyone to give a good responsive look to their applications. Starting with the very basic ones: 1. Twitter Bootstrap : This framework is really awesome for the beginners as it only requires basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. You can