Sidecar is one of the important patterns in today’s world of containerization and Kubernetes. Sidecar is a single node pattern and when we talk about a single node pattern we have another major pattern which is called ambassador pattern. In this article, we will talk about the difference between the sidecar pattern vs ambassador pattern.
Category: Servers
Pattern and anti patterns while creating new servers.
We are want to automate the server creation process as this saves a lot of time. In this article, we are going to talk about some patterns and anti-pattern that cause make your automation better or worse. So let’s start with this. Antipattern: Handcrafted Server Handcrafted servers will generally work well for companies who are
Working on Scale: Infrastructure Automation with terraform and chef.
This is the fifth article in series working on scale and in this article we are going to about how to spawn infrastructure fast by using infrastructure as code and provision them using chef. This article is just one of the way how you can automate infrastructure creation. There can be many simultaneous solutions to
Working on scale: What is caching and where to use which one?
This is the second article in series Working on scale. You can find the first one below. It was about replication and sharding and where to use which one. Working on Scale: What is replication and sharding and where to use which one? In this article we will be looking into caching, its different types, tools
Working on Scale: What is replication and sharding and where to use which one?
Hey everyone I am starting a new article series in which we will talk about working on scale. Today is the first article of this series, I don’t know how many articles it will contain as working for scale is a subject in itself and am a mere beginner. So lets start todays article of
Want to know how to optimize MySQL database. Read here.
Every software engineer must have heard the name Mysql as it is one the most used and popular databases in world. When it comes to engineering there are whole lot of people who don’t even bother to think about database and focus only on code. This comes back and bite them bad when the system
Docker Error: Failed to determine cgroup for the ‘cpu’ subsystem: Failed to read /proc/1232/cgroup.
Failed to determine cgroup for the ‘cpu’ subsystem: Failed to read /proc/1232/cgroup: Failed to open file: No such file or directory. Container b8d8339ac8e6cbfb17111456dcd919b51231232131231233931cee8cfc3f87 failed to exit within 40 seconds of signal 15 – using the force Recently I came across this error which lead to a lot of debugging and at the end I found
Reverse proxy vs forward proxy.
You may have heard the name of proxy servers and what they do. In this part of article we will be talking about the difference between reverse proxy server and forward proxy server. Why are they used and how you can setup a proxy server. Lets see Reverse proxy vs forward proxy. Forward Proxy Server: Forward
What is a nameserver and how to run one?
If you are working with websites and networking, you must have heard of the name of ‘NAMESERVERS’. We will try to figure out what exactly are these and how to install one and use it. Lets see what is a nameserver and how to run one What is a nameserver? These are the servers running
What are chef servers and how to work with chef?
When you come in the world of infra/machine provisioning one of the big things that you hear talk about is Chef. In this article we will see what exactly is chef and how it works to make you provision your machines faster. Lets see what are chef server and how to work with chef?