In our previous article series on Basics on Kubernetes which is still going, we talked about different components like control plane, pods, etcd, kube-proxy, deployments, etc. You can read the article series on Learnsteps. In this article, we are going to see how we can do basic debugging in Kubernetes. Before starting I am assuming
Category: Servers
How to debug issues and performance in production: The USE method
In this post, we are going to talk about the methodology that you can follow to debug issues. The methodology is the USE method and we will see how we can use it and why we should incorporate it in our day to day tasks of debugging issues. USE [Utilization, Saturation, and Errors] USE method
ngrok: Serve website from local system.
It is not an easy task to host a website and then do all the necessary tasks to keep it safe and secure. Now if you building something and for that, you have to give a demo and strict on timelines. Setting up the website and other tasks will consume a lot of time. If
Tools in DevOps for every purpose
In this article, we are going to see tools for a different section of DevOps. Tools when combined together form a solid base on which the SRE and DevOps rely on and most of the tools are opensource. Let’s start with tools in DevOps for every purpose. Lets first list down the different components that
DevOps Interview Question: How will you set up a CI/CD pipeline?
In recent times I have got many requests asking how to answer this question. In this article, I will try to answer it in two ways. So let’s start with How will you set up a CI/CD pipeline? If we look closely we have the following things that can construct a CI CD pipeline. A
What are Redis master-slave and Redis clusters and the difference between them?
What are Redis master-slave and Redis clusters and the difference between them?
Why you need DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) and how it works
The first draft of DHCP was written in October 1993. Lets time travel and go to a time where there is no DHCP. Lets have a look at the why you need DHCP. It is very important as it provide the machines their identity to be on the network grid. DHCPD is a server for
Redis 6.0.0 stable is out and here are the things we liked about it.
Today we got the news that Redis 6.0.0 stable is out just after 4 months (as quoted by the maintainer) after the RC1(release candidate 1). So let’s have a quick look at what we liked the most. RDB files are faster to load This is a big value for those who are running Redis Clusters
Redis bgsave taking a lot of memory. Here is the reason.
In recent times, I was working with Redis clusters which have very high throughput. While doing this we came across a problem which was Redis bgsave was taking a lot of memory sometimes almost as the same memory as the data present in the memory. In this small writeup, we will see why this happened.
Key metrics to monitor in Redis and optimization settings
Hi everyone in our last post we talked about Redis monitoring using Prometheus and Grafana. When I posted this on a few forums I got a suggestion that I should write about key metrics to watch while monitoring Redis. So let’s start the article Key metrics to monitor in Redis and optimization settings. Below are