In this blog post, we will know how does optimistic concurrency helps Kubernetes to scale and accommodate more and more plugins into it. We will also try to give you certain examples in order for us to understand them better. Brief about Kubernetes. Kubernetes is an orchestration tool which helps us to orchestrate different application
Category: Devops
The two extremes of scalability and what you have to consider while using them.
Scaling is the term everyone must have heard of if you are working in the IT industry. So what exactly is scaling, we are not going to discuss scaling in-depth instead we will see the very basics of scaling and the two extremes of scalability. What is scalability? Scalability is the property of the system
Kaniko and how you can build images on Kubernetes using kaniko?.
If you are working with containers, you must have come across building images and saving them. The same images were used by pods and run as containers inside them. In this article, we are going to see how we can build the images on Kubernetes using Kaniko. What is Kaniko? Kaniko is a tool to
What are the components of nodes in Kubernetes? Basics on Kubernetes
In this article on series basics on Kubernetes, we are going to talk about what is the component of nodes in Kubernetes and what are their tasks. Before that, if you have not read about the control plane in Kubernetes, you can read about it below. Node components: Node components are the process that will run
What is a control plane? Basics on Kubernetes.
In this article on series basics on Kubernetes, we are going to talk about what exactly do people mean when they use the term control plane. If you have not read the older article of this series you can read them below. What is a control plane? The Control plane comprises the components that work
What is kubelet and what it does: Basics on Kubernetes.
In our previous articles in series basics on Kubernetes we have talked about etcd and Kube proxy and what are their exact functions in Kubernetes. If you have not read them you can find these articles below. In this article we are going to talk about a very important component kubelet and what are its
What is etcd and where is it used in k8s: Basics on Kubernetes.
In this series of basics on Kubernetes, today we will talk about etcd and what is its task. In the previous article, we talked about Kube proxy and what was its exact task. You can read the article below. What is etcd? etcd is distributed key-value store and it is strongly consistent. etcd works on
Difference between columnar and row-based databases.
There are many types of databases present and there is a lot of confusion(for beginners) to use which one in which cases. To add to the confusion there are columnar databases. In this article, we will look at what is the difference between row-based and columnar databases and where we can use columnar databases. Difference
DevOps and SRE interview: What you need to learn in Linux?
When we talk about DevOps and system admins, Linux is the first thing that comes to mind. But Linux itself is so vast that it’s really confusing what all you should be aware of if you are planning to go for an interview. In this article, we will try to define what are the most
Questions and answers related to SRE and DevOps preparation
In recent times, I have talked to a lot of people and have seen a few questions again and again on how to progress in this field. In this article, we are going to see these questions and what I think their answers are. These are my personal views. What should I learn to shift