What are Redis master-slave and Redis clusters and the difference between them?

What are Redis master-slave and Redis clusters and the difference between them?
What are init containers and why do you need them?
What is File Integrity Monitoring and how to implement it?
Today we got the news that Redis 6.0.0 stable is out just after 4 months (as quoted by the maintainer) after the RC1(release candidate 1). So let’s have a quick look at what we liked the most. RDB files are faster to load This is a big value for those who are running Redis Clusters
In recent times, I was working with Redis clusters which have very high throughput. While doing this we came across a problem which was Redis bgsave was taking a lot of memory sometimes almost as the same memory as the data present in the memory. In this small writeup, we will see why this happened.
Recently while working with one of the databases I came across a method that is widely used by many databases to take a snapshot of the memory into a disk. One of the most famous that you have heard of is Redis. The method is called copy on write. Let’s see what is a copy
Hi everyone in our last post we talked about Redis monitoring using Prometheus and Grafana. When I posted this on a few forums I got a suggestion that I should write about key metrics to watch while monitoring Redis. So let’s start the article Key metrics to monitor in Redis and optimization settings. Below are
We have seen in one of the past articles about Redis clustering and how we can take backup and restore it. In this, we are going to see how we can monitor Redis nodes using Prometheus and Grafana. If you don’t know about Prometheus and Grafana read about it here. Now let’s see how we
Redis is an in-memory cache or key-value store. You can save the keys and values and access them very fast as it resides in memory. You can also persist the data in the disk as it provides an option for the same. One of the most famous ways to use Redis is its clustering mode.
In this article, we are going to start learning system programming by first of all creating a copy program like cp using low-level IO functions and not the standard IO functions. Now first let’s see what is system programming and what is low-level IO functions in C. System Programming: System programming aims at producing software