In this post few Front end design frameworks are listed that can be used by anyone to give a good responsive look to their applications. Starting with the very basic ones: 1. Twitter Bootstrap : This framework is really awesome for the beginners as it only requires basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. You can
Author: Gaurav Yadav
Gaurav is cloud infrastructure engineer and a full stack web developer and blogger. Sportsperson by heart and loves football. Scale is something he loves to work for and always keen to learn new tech. Experienced with CI/CD, distributed cloud infrastructure, build systems and lot of SRE Stuff.
Git and how to use it.
It was around 3 years back, I was with one of my seniors , I asked him what is github? The answer was it is a website and don’t you mix it with git. Then obvious next question was then what is git. His answer “Git is used for version control” And that is the statement