It has been announced that now 1000 and 500 Rs notes will be discontinued. This is done with the vision to get out the black money. So how this will get back the black money. 80-90% of black money which is in Cash will be in these notes only so if it is discontinued either
Author: Gaurav Yadav
Most useful list of websites for computer guys.
Before reading the list we are requesting you to please comment all the sites that you think should be there and we will modify the list. This will make this post a good place to find any website. Online Contest : HackerRank Codechef Topcoder Spoj Hacker Earth Codeforces Leetcode Coding Game Project Euler Online datastructures
Top Tools that every beginner web developers should know about and should get use to.
Google SearchYes Google search is the ultimate tool according to me for the beginner web developers. These are the guys who are new to the technology and are unaware of the syntaxes, small mistakes that they do, small flows that they sometimes not follow. If they are stuck anywhere what is the first thing they
Learn Vagrant from Scratch : Provision environment for the virtual machine
Setup and Boxes Starting and SSH into Box Syncing local folder to the virtual machine Provisioning and Setting up environment for the virtual machine We have a simple box running with synced folder and we are able to ssh into it. Now what we want to do next is to make our vagrant install some
Learn Vagrant from Scratch : Sharing the Vagrant images
Setup and Boxes Starting and SSH into Box Syncing local folder to the virtual machine Setting up environment for the virtual machine Networking forwarding port to host machine and other options Sharing the Vagrant images Vagrant sharing is an option provide by Vagrant to share your server around the world. for example you can find
Learn Vagrant from Scratch : Networking forwarding port to host machine and other options
Setup and Boxes Starting and SSH into Box Syncing local folder to the virtual machine Setting up environment for the virtual machine Now that we have provisioned our vagrant and installed nginx in it we now want our nginx to be accessed on our localhost. For that we need to make network port forwarding from
Learn Vagrant from Scratch : Starting and SSH into vagrant box
Setup and Boxes Starting and SSH into vagrant box You have all the setup for now and you can boot you vagrant box by giving the command vagrant up This will take sometime around 1 minute to boot your system. After that you can login to your system using the following command vagrant ssh This
Learn Vagrant from Scratch : Syncing local folder to the virtual machine
Setup and Boxes Starting and SSH into Box Synced folder are awesome for developers as you will not always want to edit the project, in such case sync the folder edit in your favorite editor and see the results on your vagrant box. Synced folders are configured within your Vagrantfile using the config.vm.synced_folder method present
Learn Vagrant from Scratch : Conclusion and other points
Setup and Boxes Starting and SSH into Box Syncing local folder to the virtual machine Setting up environment for the virtual machine Networking forwarding port to host machine and other options Sharing the Vagrant images Conclusion and other points Thus we reached to the basic usage of vagrant and we learned about provisioning, port forwarding
Learn Vagrant from Scratch.
What is Vagrant: Vagrant is a command line utility for managing virtual machines and its different functions. You can start the virtual machine, provision it, ssh into it and other things just by using this command line utility. For moe about vagrant go here. Why Vagrant: Developer’s huge chunk of time is involved in setting