Role Based Access Control

Role Based Access Control for your application

Role Based Access Control is a system in which you give particular permissions to particular users based on their roles. In this article we will try making simple role based access control for your application. Our RBAC will make use of only 5 tables. I guess this is enough if your making it real simple.

Domain Driven Development- An Introduction.

[sgmb id=3] So, I have been in one of the tech talks and there I got to know about this methodology named domain driven development. It was first described by Eric Evans and from then the domain driven development philosophy came into picture. So what really is this philosophy The idea is to focus on

How to optimize javascript for performance – Top Points.

[sgmb id=3] By following the below you can optimize the Javascript code for performance. For more insight follow the links mentioned in the article. Minimize DOM access, and try to work as much as possible in JavaScript code.   Use local variables to store DOM references you’ll access repeatedly.   Be careful when dealing with

Increase your capability of taking risk.

Risk, lets define it first in our terms. So risk is something that we intend to do to get out of difficult situation or to achieve something bigger. Everyone in this world is going after money, everyone and if he is saying he is not then I don’t now he may be lying. There is