Major algorithms asked during Interviews.

Major algorithms asked during Interviews.

Here I am going to mention the list of major algorithms asked during Interviews. You can find the list as below. Major algorithms asked during Interviews. Below are the books I highly recommend for algorithms Graph 1. Breadth First Search (BFS) 2. Depth First Search (DFS) 3. Shortest Path from source to all vertices **Dijkstra**

Binary Tree and its traversal using python.

Binary Tree and its traversal using python.

After a long time I took a look in algorithms and data structure and what I wrote first in Binary Tree and its different traversal in C++. I have never written them in python so I tried to write one. And yes writing them down in python is lot more easier. So lets me first introduce

Creating Linux alias to enable you work faster.

Creating Linux alias to enable you work faster.

Linux is a very powerful Operating system and it has many flavors. Its always your choice which one to use but making them work faster and according to your need is something you will need. Here we will talk about alias and write a simple alias file to help you be more productive.Lets see how

What happens when you type a url in browser

What happens when you type a url in browser

Ever wondered What happens when you type a url in browser. Let us see what happens and in what manner. What happens when you type a url in browser You type an URL into address bar in your preferred browser. The browser parses the URL to find the protocol, host, port, and path. It forms

Naive bayesian text classifier using textblob and python

Naive bayesian text classifier using textblob and python

Text classifier are systems that classify your texts and divide them in different classes. In this article we are going to made one such text classifier using textblob and python. You want to read more about naive bayesian theorem, read it here. Naive bayesian text classifier using textblob and python For this we will be

How to download under proxy with python

How to download under proxy with python

Proxies are headache for many people. They restrict you from many things you love to do. In this short article I will tell you how to write scripts to work under proxy in python. Its really simple and you don’t need to know anything exceptional except a bit of python programming language. Lets see how

beautiful code pens

Beautiful Code Pens.

Autumn in Cupertino by Adam Guttentag (@guttentag) on CodePen   Sistema Solar Simples com SASS by Ricardo Alves (@ricardospalves) on CodePen   Jeff the Bug in Flight Mode by Una Kravets (@una) on CodePen.   See the Pen Sassy CSS Puppy by Una Kravets (@una) on CodePen.