If you are working in software or IT industries, this is one of the word that you may hear alot. Many of you are well aware of what exactly are apis and how to build one. For those who are not aware, In this article i will try to tell you the basics of apis.
Author: Gaurav Yadav
Build desktop notifier using python and notify2.
You must have heard about desktop notifier, today we are going to build one and see how it works. We are going to do it using python and we will do it on ubuntu for now. So, lets start to build desktop notifier using python. Lets build desktop notifier using python For building this we
Want to host your own git. Learn how to host gitlab locally?
There was an incident in gitlab when they accidentally deleted their database and when they recovered it they lost some recent data. This can happen due to human error. This is not new and you are always open to vulnerability if you are hosting your codebase on third party. If they get hacked your codebase
Amazon fire TV and how it works for Indian users
I have been using Amazon Fire TV stick for a month for now and after writing about Amazon Echo Dot which you can read here, thought of writing about fire stick TV as well. Lets see Amazon fire TV and how it works for Indian users. Amazon Echo Dot for Indian users and how it works
Amazon Echo Dot for Indian users and how it works for our accent.
I got my amazon echo dot today and after exploring this device I decided to write about how it works for us. First of all what is amazon echo dot and how it will help you. Lets see how Amazon Echo Dot for Indian user works. Echo Dot (2nd Generation) It is a hands-free, voice-controlled
Web Socket implementation using Socket.io
We learn about web sockets and how they solve the problems caused by pooling. You can read it here if you missed it. In this article we are going to talk about the implementation of web sockets. Web Sockets and how they solve the problem caused by pooling. For the article I am assuming that
Web Sockets and how they solve the problem caused by polling.
You must be aware of web services where you provide a url and when some hit those url they get some data. Now say there is a change in that data and you want to be aware of that change then what will you do. We can use polling that is keep calling the url
Continuous Integration for your open Source project.
You must have heard of travis or jenkins if not you can read about them if you click on their name. Now you want continuous integration or lets leave this word. Lets say you want to run some command whenever you are committing something on github. Say you want to run test case, code quality
WordPress plugin to make your website AMP compatible.
First, AMP stands for amplified web pages. In recent year everyone is trying to increase the reach of data to bigger audience that to using less data. These efforts leads to technologies like PWD and AMP. These technologies make use of components like service worker and optimized javascript to make it less data costly and
What are runlevels in linux systems?
Recently I came to know about the runlevels in linux while going through initd. So I thought of writing about it and here it is what are runlevels in linux systems? Run-levels are the mode in which you unix system boots up. These modes can be from single user with no networking to full fledge