Prime numbers are very important. Most of the modern day encryption decryption relies heavily on these prime numbers. Thus generating these prime number is a good task in itself. In this article we will see how we can generate list of prime number using sieve of Eratosthenes. What is sieve of Eratosthenes? To find all the prime
Author: Gaurav Yadav
Length of Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS) in python [Dynamic Programming]
The LIS or longest increasing subsequence means to find a subsequence in list of numbers in which the subsequence’s elements are in ascending order and in which the subsequence is as long as possible. This subsequence does not have to be continuous. Here we have to find the length of the longest increasing subsequence. We
Docker Error: Failed to determine cgroup for the ‘cpu’ subsystem: Failed to read /proc/1232/cgroup.
Failed to determine cgroup for the ‘cpu’ subsystem: Failed to read /proc/1232/cgroup: Failed to open file: No such file or directory. Container b8d8339ac8e6cbfb17111456dcd919b51231232131231233931cee8cfc3f87 failed to exit within 40 seconds of signal 15 – using the force Recently I came across this error which lead to a lot of debugging and at the end I found
How to do load testing using locust and python for your applications.
Load testing or performance testing is used to make sure that your application perform at very high traffic or at least the traffic that you intended it to run. In this article we are going to talk about how we can use locust to do load testing for our application or api. With simple knowledge
Reverse proxy vs forward proxy.
You may have heard the name of proxy servers and what they do. In this part of article we will be talking about the difference between reverse proxy server and forward proxy server. Why are they used and how you can setup a proxy server. Lets see Reverse proxy vs forward proxy. Forward Proxy Server: Forward
Unable to do ssh into machine.
Unable to do ssh into machine? I have seen this problem many time and i know this is one of the problems that everyone faces. Below are my personal list of things that you can try to solve this problem. Check for key permissions. This happens if you key or pem file does not have
What is a nameserver and how to run one?
If you are working with websites and networking, you must have heard of the name of ‘NAMESERVERS’. We will try to figure out what exactly are these and how to install one and use it. Lets see what is a nameserver and how to run one What is a nameserver? These are the servers running
What are chef servers and how to work with chef?
When you come in the world of infra/machine provisioning one of the big things that you hear talk about is Chef. In this article we will see what exactly is chef and how it works to make you provision your machines faster. Lets see what are chef server and how to work with chef?
What are database migrations and why they are important?
Hey guys in the recent articles we learned about apis and how to write one. When you are writing any web service one thing that you will require is database. Without database you can save your data by different ways but it will not be that easy to manage it as compared to databases. Again
Codiva: Online code compiler that compiles on the fly.
When it comes to compiling code for competitive programming, I prefer using online compilers as they don’t need to be installed and no need to run codes to run them. These were some features I like about online compiling and I don’t want to run commands to compile. What I hate was compiling again and