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You must be surprised what kind of post is this which has title why you should not read this. But still you are here to read the reasons for why not reading the reasons. Awesome, Isn’t it?
First, you are just wasting you time reading this as this is not gonna make you any penny or add to your knowledge until you are someone creative. Now you must be thinking this post is for me because hell yes.. I AM CREATIVE. No you are not. Now if you are creative you will not leave here and read the next point cause it didn’t hurt your ego or does it? I don’t know, you answer.
Second, since you just found out that you are creative let me tell you I still don’t know you are creative or not. If you are able to find how creatively I used your mind to make your read the second point if not you must leave now cause there are 3 more such awesome points to come.
Third, well lets talks about why you should not read this post, saying this doesn’t mean I will start talking about it. It is just to make you focus so that you think something interesting is coming, but trust me nothing interesting will come in the whole post thats why you are wasting your time reading this.
Fourth, now that you are thinking that this is something interesting. Hell no, certainly not or is it, I am super confused so you yourself decide. Also in the next point I am gonna tell you why such a post written at the first place. Why I wasted time reading it and what is writer’s profit in writing such post.
At last, lets say you are intelligent person so you must be able to understand what all the above four points are all about. Yes they are just for making money and driving traffic, everything else I said is rubbish, and also you wasted your precious time reading this blog post which in its title tells not to read it.
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